
For over two decades, the University of Washington has enabled at-sea experiences for undergraduate and graduate students through cruise participation. The UW has continued its commitment to providing 15 days of ship time per year to the UW Regional Scale Nodes Observatory effort using the 274' global class research ship the Thomas G. Thompson. Each year, 10 to 20 undergraduate and graduate students work and study alongside UW researches and the ships crew to learn all aspects of seagoing research, ship operations, and life aboard an oceanographic research vessel.
During the cruises, students develop projects around the use of robotic vehicles, mapping, and linkages among geological, biological, chemical, and physical oceanographic processes. Students share their experiences with the public by contributing to a live web site. The VISIONS'11 cruise is continuing this tradition with 11 students aboard.
Alden R Denny
University of Washington Oceanography graduate student ...
Alexandra Brewer
Alexandra is a UW Senior, majoring in the entirely practical combination of Marine Geology and Finnish. She will be investigating the spatial relationship between benthic fauna and seafloor methane seeps. ...
Monica Riess
I am interested in the interactions between microbes and rocks, particularly in hydrothermal systems and methane seeps. ...
Adrian Rembold
I am an undergraduate in the School of Oceanography at the University of Washington. I am from Sammamish, WA and I am very excited to be participating in the VISIONS’11 cruise. ...
Brendan Philip
I am currently a sophomore at the University of Washington, where I plans to major in geological oceanography. My interests aboard the Visions’11 cruise include sea floor mapping and to see what life aboard a research vessel is like. ...
Matthew Knight
I am a senior at the University of Washington majoring in biological oceanography. I am very excited to be able to take part in the operations of a deep sea ROV such as the ROPOS and to have the opportunity to take part in the early stages of the OOI. ...
Dustin Anctil
I am now a senior and participating in VISIONS’11 for my senior thesis project which will be analyzing geologic morphology of ASHES vent field. ...
Alexandra Powell
I recently graduated from The University of Western Ontario with a degree in Environmental Science. During my fourth year I wrote a thesis on hydrothermal vent fluids and now I can't wait to learn about them aboard the R/V Thompson! ...
Martha James
I am entering my senior year in the School of Oceanography at University of Washington where I am complementing my oceanography major with minors in geology and marine biology. ...
Audrey Djunaedi
Hopes to incorporate her at-sea experience with the RSN program into science education programs, sharing this new perspective on our oceans with students and the general public. ...
Cody Turner
I am currently a junior at the University of Washington. I am majoring in oceanography and biology, with a minor in marine biology. I grew up on Vashon Island, which is where my interest of the ocean started. ...