Visions'11 Cruise

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VISIONS'11 Student Expedition Application

VISIONS'11 Student Expedition Application

VISIONS'11 Student Expedition Application

VISIONS ' now history but the full website is still available here.

In March 2011 the call below went out to students to participate in the VISIONS '11 cruise. Students were selected and some of them went to sea. Learn of their adventures on the VISIONS '11 website. Via live video, watch "over the shoulders" of seagoing scientists as they used an underwater robot (the ROV ROPOS) equipped with a high-definition video camera to work in the ocean and on the seafloor.

Original Invitation to Students

Participate on a major research cruise this summer (August 12th-September 1st) in preparation for the installation of the Regional Scale Nodes underwater cabled observatory as part of the National Science Foundation’s Ocean Observatories Initiative. This cruise will take place aboard the 274’ R/V Thomas G. Thompson and will utilize an underwater robotic vehicle for real-time imaging, sampling, and mapping of 1) methane seeps and novel biological communities on the Oregon Margin, and 2) submarine hot springs on Axial Volcano, located more than 200 miles off the Washington coast. On board, you will work alongside scientists, engineers, and the ship’s crew to gain at sea research and sea-going experience using advanced oceanographic research instrumentation. You will also conduct your own research using data collected with some of these tools. Additionally, as a member of this oceanographic expedition and class, you will be taking part in the preparation for the installation of the first U.S. high-power and high-bandwidth underwater cabled observatory.

Due to a limited number of berths, students must submit an application by April 8th, 2011. Accepted students will register for the University of Washington’s Ocean 411 Special Topics course in Marine Geology and Geophysics (3 credits). Instructors are Oceanography Professors John Delaney and Debbie Kelley.