Burial and Inspection Completed

Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Plan for Primary Node Installation

Burial and inspection of cable segments 3 and 4, which are jointed into OOI Primary Node 1C (PN1C), were completed on 30 July 2012 using the ROV Nereus 3. Next up is installation of OOI Primary Node 1D (PN1D), which will be a less complex operation because this node has only one cable coming into it and is located in shallow water (113 m). At 0900 this morning, the segment 4 cable end was recovered onboard with the help of our ROV and it is now being prepared for its final splice with the node. The weather conditions are again working with us for a smooth deployment of PN1D later this evening.

----Cecile Durand, OOI Marine Maintenance Manager, University of Washington, at sea aboard the TESubCom Dependable