The Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) Nereus 3 is readied for deployment from the TE SubCom Dependable. The ROV, which is equipped to transmit video and acoustic imagery back to the ship, is used to inspect node position on the seafloor, and to bury cable and inspect cable burial.
--Photo by Cecile Durand

ROV Readied for Launch
Operations for the deployment of Primary Node 1B (PN1B) started late in the evening of July 19. Just before midnight it was confirmed that the node had landed on the seabed at about 1,250m water depth and only 20m away from its target. Immediately after landing, the remotely operated vehicle (ROV) Nereus 3 was sent down to inspect the node. It was quite an impressive sight to observe via the cameras carried on the ROV that PN1B was lying perfectly flat on the seabed!
Several tests were performed. Once we confirmed that both cables and nodes were functioning as expected, we commenced ROV burial operations along the two cable segments connected to the node. Burial operations will last about 4-5 days at this site.
All but the ROV crew are now enjoying a bit of rest after this latest node deployment.
The good weather is holding on as we prepare for the next installation, PN1C, further upslope, at 600m water depth.
--Cecile Durand, OOI Marine Maintenance Manager, University of Washington, at sea aboard the TESubCom Dependable.